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      中国海关                      APL

      上海海关                      MSC

      上海集装箱码头          OOCL

      上海外一期码头          WANHAI

      上海外二期码头          ANL

      上海外四期码头          YML

      上海外五期码头          ZIM

      上海洋山一期码头      MASTON

      上海洋山三期码头      HMM

      宁波港务局                  CMA

      宁波二期码头              COSCO

      宁波三期码头              CSCL

      宁波大榭码头              EMC/ITS/HATS

      宁波电子口岸              HANJIN



  Shanghai Honglin is a privately owned independent forwarding company based on Shanghai and Ningbo port. The company was formed in 2000 with the purpose to becoming a reliable, effective and worldwide logistics provider
From our facility at shanghai and Ningbo port we could provide a total import & export service for sea, air and road. With experienced staff and direct link to customs we are able to offer a fast and efficient customs clearance for all your consignments. .



1 电话:021-63090031
1 传真:021-63090735
1 MSN: alice_huang22@hotmail.com
1 E-mail:honglin@shahonglin.com

1 电话:021-63090726
1 传真:021-63090735
1 MSN: cfw1984@hotmail.com
1 地址:上海市虹口区 武进路289号海泰时代大厦816室